About Diamond Essence

Diamond Essence Jewelry is as close to a mined diamond as you can possibly get.

Diamond Essence as the name suggests is the closest you get to the highest quality of mined Diamond. Our Diamond Essence TM stones are perfect alternative to Mined Diamonds and are guaranteed for life for its sparkle, cut, brilliance and clarity.!

In 1978, our American Scientists invented the process in USA to develop Diamond Looking crystals that had the property of cutting glass, shone brightly like a diamond and costed significantly less. We named it Diamond Essence.

We are based in New Jersey and proudly sell our Diamond Essence jewelry masterpieces and loose stones all over North America and the rest of the world.

Diamond Essence Jewelry is as close to a mined diamond as you can possibly get. That is why you will find it worn by celebrities, entertainers, royalty, socialites, and every other person who wants to wear jewelry that looks like a fortune without having to spend a fortune.

Diamond Essence stones have virtually same fire as mined diamonds, identical brilliance and are flawless. Diamond Essence Jewelry is not a mass produced product. Rather, it is the result of an exclusive and intricate process in which a rare mineral must be unearthed, refined and then melted at a temperature of 5000 F to form rough cut stones.

These rough stones then undergo the same exact process a mined diamond goes through. The stone is cut by highly skilled diamond cutters with 57 facets and polished to perfection. The result is a pure gem seemingly worth thousands of dollars but available to you at tremendous savings.

These stones are then placed in various metal settings, each of which has been individually crafted by our commissioned ensemble of world class jewelry designers.

So, the only difference you will see is the money you save. Neither your friends or diamond experts will ever notice a difference between the jewelry you wear and mined diamonds worth a lot.

Not a mined diamond, not conventional Cubic Zirconium, a Diamond Essence masterpiece the most astonishing simulated diamond ever created is the result of a revolutionary scientific breakthrough that gives it the fire, the dazzle, the brilliance of a mined diamond. It even cuts glass!

Now for the first time there is a brilliant and dazzling jewel to challenge the qualities of the mined diamond, and to offer along with the same breathtaking beauty, a reassuring practicality and lasting value that make this rival piece worth giving, collecting, wearing. This unique jewel is a "Diamond Essence masterpiece

The only difference you will ever notice between a mined diamond and a Diamond Essence masterpiece is the price. Appraisers in New York's 47th Street Diamond District couldn't tell one from the other.

The fact is, Diamond Essence pieces have more fire than mined diamonds, have virtually the same brilliance and-unlike most mined diamonds-are virtually flawless. Another important fact to remember: As the chart below shows you,Diamond Essence masterpiece carat sizes are the same as mined diamond carat sizes.

How can a Diamond Essence masterpiece equal the properties of a mined diamond?

A Diamond Essence jewel is not a mass produced product. It is the result of a relatively new and exclusive process in which a rare mineral must first be extracted from the earth, refined and then melted at a constant temperature above 5,000°F almost two times hotter than the 2,8000 required to melt steel-to slowly crystalize and form diamond-hard, diamond-brilliant rough-cut pieces with the essence of diamonds.

In 1919 Marcel Tolkowsky worked out a formula for the ideal proportions of a cut diamond. He figured mathematically the proper ratio between the angles of facets opposite each other, and found the maximum refracted (inner) light without losing the vital reflected (outer) light. This has ever since been called The Brilliant Cut.

A purely flawless masterpiece

Diamond Essence jewels undergo this same Brilliant Cut process. The result is a purely flawless masterpiece-something that can't be said of most mined diamonds with 57 facets polished to perfection. These stones are then placed, not in gold electroplated settings, but in true 14K solid gold settings, which are individually designed by our ensemble of world class jewelry designers.

Your friends wont see the difference

Enjoy all the status, all the pleasure of mined diamonds-with none of the cares. Since Diamond Essence jewels show off the same qualities as mined diamonds, who is to question what you are wearing-unless you decide to wear a piece the size of the Kohinoor! For even diamond experts cant tell the difference between mined diamonds and Diamond Essence pieces. ABCs 20/20 TV show tried Diamond Essence type pieces on appraisers in New York's famous 47th Street Diamond District, and these experts gave them a value of thousands of dollars even though Diamond Essence stones sell for only a fraction of that amount.

Save a fortune in insurance premiums

With Diamond Essence jewelry, you've found a marvelous new way to show the world your status in life. A virtually equal replacement for mined diamonds, it offers you the kind of jewelry you like to be seen wearing, without high insurance premium costs or the fear of having your jewels stolen.

Movie stars and TV personalities show off in them!

Once you see Diamond Essence pieces, you'll understand why so many famous and wealthy people, including royalty, movie stars, celebrities and TV personalities, wear them instead of mined diamonds.